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Frogen R290

General Information

HC-290 organic based, naturally occurring, non-ozone depleting and environmentally friendly refrigerant with negligible global warming potential.

It is suitable for use in a wide spectrum of domestic, commercial and industrial applications and in certain types of air conditioning systems. HC-290 can be used with most commonly used refrigeration lubricants and are particularly suited to mineral oils and alkyl benzene lubricants. Polyalphaolefins (POA) and Polyalkyleneglycol (PAG) are also acceptable for use where approved by the compressor manufacturer.

However solubility tends to be increased with hydrocarbon refrigerants and it may be necessary to select a higher grade viscosity than for HFCs. This is particularly the case with Polyolester (POE) lubricants. Consult the compressor manufacturer for recommendation.



Appearance:                                                                         Colorless and not turbid

Purity:                                                                                    % ≥99.5%

Sulfur:                                                                                    ppm ≤1.0

Moisture:                                                                              ppm ≤10

Non-condensable gases:                                                    %( V/V) ≤1.5

Color:                                                                                     Colorless

Smell:                                                                                     Odorless