Industrioal Gases

Prime Co. (Middle East) Ltd., is a holder of DET NORSKE VERITAS (DNV) Quality System Certificate ISO 9001:2000 for Trading, Distribution and Stocking of Industrial Gases, Refrigerants & Chemicals, and the associated Equipment, especially for use in Oilfield and telecommunications Industries. This recognition not only puts Prime Co. (Middle East) Ltd., in the league of the finest in the world but also reinforces the fact that Prime Co. (Middle East) Ltd. doesn´t just make promises about quality, but delivers quality.

This section contains specifications for our industrial gas line.

Acetylene (C2H2)

Acetylene is a highly flammable and colorless gas. It has a garlic-like odor. It poses fire And explosion hazards at very low concentrations. Acetylene is an unstable gas and is Filled in cylinders packed in a porous mass. Generally it is supplied as dissolved Acetylene. Special care is required during examination and filling the cylinder. Commercial Production of Acetylene is done using Calcium Carbide.

Acetylene when mixed with Oxygen burns violently and produces an extremely hot Flame. It is used very commonly for metal cutting in the steel industry. Acetylene Produces a highly luminous flame. In line with these characteristics, following are the most common applications:

  • Metal Fabrication
  • Atomic Absorption
  • Marine Lighting

Hazards Identifications
Dissolved gas extremely flammable. The gas is lighter than air, and may spread long distances. Distant ignition and flash back Are possible. Acetylene gas may decomposes explosively at elevated temperatures and Pressures. It can form very explosive metallic salts such as with copper and silver.

Handling and Storage
Close valve after each use and when empty. Cylinders must not be recharged except by Or with the concern of owner. Acetylene cylinders should be stored upright and be firmly Secured to prevent falling or being knocked over. Keep the quantity stored as small as possible.


Air is the natural atmosphere of the earth, a nonflammable, colorless, odorless gas that consists of a mixture of gaseous elements (with argon, water vapor, a small amount of carbon dioxide, and traces of many other constitutes).

Air meeting particular purity specifications has many important applications. It is used in SCBAs used by industrial, emergency response, and fire fighting personnel, and as a power source for various types of pneumatic equipment. Some more common applications are as below:

  • Medical
  • Atomic Energy Fields
  • Undersea
  • Aerospace

Hazards Identifications
High pressure gas may accelerate combustion. At atmospheric pressure air has no adverse health effects.

Handling and Storage
Keep cylinders and their valves free from oil and grease.Open valve slowly. Use an adjustable strap wrench to remove over-tight or rusted caps.Prolonged periods of cold temperature below -30oc should be avoided. Full and empty cylinders should be segregated.
Use a first-in, first-out inventory system to prevent full containers from being stored for long periods of time.Containers should not be stored in conditions likely to encourage corrosion.


Argon makes up 0.93% of the atmosphere. Like helium, this is a monoatomic gas. Argon is a colorless, odorless, inert gas that does not exist in nature other than in the air. It cannot sustain life, but it is highly used in certain industrial applications due to its high level of chemical inertness and the relative ease with which it can be produced. Argon is used extensively in the incandescent lamp industry for filling light bulbs and fluorescent tubes and for radio vacuum tubes. It also has an essential use as an inert gas shield in arc welding and plasma jet torches.

Argon being inert finds applications in industries requiring low reactivity with good stability. Following are the common applications for Argon:

  • Blanketing
  • Purging
  • Inserting
  • Degasification in Steel Marking
  • Lighting Industry
  • Shielding Gas in Metal Fabrication
  • Analytical Applications


Hazards Identifications
Compressed gas in high concentration may cause asphyxiation. Argon is non-toxix, but may cause suffocation by displacing the oxygen in air.

Handling and Storage
Close valve after each use and when empty. Cylinders must not be recharged except by Or with the concern of owner. Acetylene cylinders should be stored upright and be firmly Secured to prevent falling or being knocked over. Keep the quantity stored as small as possible.


Ammonia is a chemical compound, formed by the combination of nitrogen and hydrogen in molar proportions of 1 part N2 to 3 parts of H2. NH3 is a colorless gas that has a pungent, irritating odor. Soluble in water and lighter than air, it forms only a very small portion of the atmosphere. It is found in volcanic gases and is produced when organic materials decay. Ammonia is also known as alkaline air and volatile alkali.
NH3 is used extensively to manufacture fertilizers and a variety of nitrogen-containing organic and inorganic chemicals.


  • Agricultural fertilizer.
  • Refrigerant for the food industry, industrial refrigerators, and freezers.
  • Non-aqueous solvent.
  • Manufacture of other chemicals.
  • Production of dyes, drugs and plastics.
  • Cleansing agent.
  • Various metallurgical processes.

Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

Carbon dioxide is a compound containing carbon and oxygen. At atmospheric temperatures and pressures, carbon dioxide is in gaseous form. It is colorless, odorless, and about 1.5 Times heavier than air and a slightly acid gas. The gas is non-reactive, nontoxic and Nonflammable. Solid Carbon Dioxide (dry ice) is formed at a temperature of -78.5°C.

Carbon dioxide has so different usages regarding to its chemical form. It can be used as A solid (Dry Ice), liquid or gasified form. Carbon Dioxide in its solid form (dry ice) is used As a refrigerant when transporting dairy products, meat products, frozen foods and Other foods. It is also used as a coolant in industrial processes such as grinding, rubber Tumbling and cold treating materials. Carbon Dioxide as a gas and liquid has below Usages:

  • Carbonating soft drinks.
  • Chemical Processing.
  • Fire Extinguishers Systems.
  • Welding.
  • PH control in water treatment.


Hazards Identifications
High pressure liquid and gas can cause rapid suffocation and can increase respiration And heart rate. Solid and liquid may cause frostbite.

Handling and Storage
Direct contact with solid Carbon Dioxide (Dry Ice) should be avoided. Do not ingest solid Carbon Dioxide. Wear protective eye glasses or shields when cutting dry ice. Solid Carbon Dioxide (Dry Ice) should be stored in insulated containers with loose fitting Covers that allow the evolved gas to escape. Store in a well ventilated area to prevent Accumulation of Carbon Dioxide vapors above the exposure limits.


Helium is a highly inert gas found in nature in limited quantities. It is colorless, odorless, Non-flammable and non-toxic. Liquid Helium is the coldest known substance. Special Transportation and storage equipment is required for minimizing losses of product.

Helium is the second element in the periodic table and owing to its non-flammable Nature and lightweight, replaces Hydrogen in the metrological applications. It is a Critical element in many applications and is used in numerous other applications in line With its highly inert and stable characteristics. Major applications are as under:

  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
  • Deep Sea Diving
  • Fiber Optics
  • Space Exploration
  • Balloon Filling
  • Analytical Applications
  • Research and Development
  • Leak Detection
  • Lifting
  • Welding


Hazards Identifications
High pressure liquid and gas can cause rapid suffocation. Do not breathe gas. Self-contained breathing apparatus may be required by rescue workers.

Handling and Storage
Never attempt to lift a cylinder by its valve protection cap. Never insert an object (e.g. Wrench, pry, bar, etc.) Into valve cap openings. Use an adjustable strap wrench to Remove over-tight or rusted caps.
Use a suitable hand truck for cylinder movement. Use a first-in, first-out inventory System to prevent full containers from being stored for long periods of time. Keep container below 50oc in a well ventilated place.

Hydrogen (H2)

Hydrogen is a highly flammable, colorless and odorless gas. It is highly explosive in Nature and may pose an immediate fire hazard. Hydrogen is the first element in the Periodic table and is lighter than air. It combines readily with Oxygen. It is present in the Atmosphere in very low quantities. Two commonly used processes for Hydrogen Productions are electrolysis of water and natural gas cracking. Hydrogen is supplied as Compressed gas filled at high pressure in cylinders.

Hydrogen is used in the industry as a reducing agent in applications where oxidation is Threat. It is used in Hydrogenation of fats such as edible oil and margarine. Most Common applications are as follows:

  • Fuel Cells
  • Analytical Applications
  • Rocket Fuel Mixtures
  • Fiber Optics Production
  • Electronic Microchip Manufacturing
  • Hydrogenation Process
  • Desulphurising & Hydro-cracking in Petroleum Industry
  • Inerting Atmosphere
  • Combustible for special applications


Hazards Identifications
Inhalation of the gas in abundance could lead to asphyxiation. Compressed gas extremely flammable.

Handling and Storage
Purge air from system before introducing gas. Hydrogen is the lightest gas known and May collect in the top of buildings without proper ventilation. It may leak out of a System that is gas-tight for air or other gases. Leak check system with leak detection Solution, never with flame. Keep away from ignition sources (including static discharges). Segregate from oxidant Gases and other oxidants in store. Keep container below 50oc in a well ventilated place.

Nitrogen (N2)

Nitrogen is the major constituent of atmospheric air, making up about 79% of the air. It Is colorless, odorless, non-flammable and non-toxic. Nitrogen is often used as an “inert” Gas due to its non reactive nature with many materials. However, Nitrogen can form Certain compounds under the influence of chemicals, catalysts, or high temperature. Commercial Nitrogen is produced by a variety of air separation processes, including Cryogenic liquefaction and distillation, pressure swing adsorption (PSA), and membrane Separation. Nitrogen is supplied both as liquid and as compressed gas.

Nitrogen is an inert gas and major applications make use of this property of the gas.

  • Blanketing
  • Purging
  • Sparging
  • Inserting
  • Food Freezing/Storage
  • Shrink Fitting
  • Health Care Applications
  • Analytical Applications


Hazards Identifications
Compressed gas in high concentrations may cause asphyxiation. Extremely cold liquid and gas under pressure can cause rapid suffocation and severe frostbite. It is non-toxic, but may cause suffocation by displacing the oxygen in air.

Handling and Storage
Do not drop or roll containers on their sides. Never allow any unprotected part of the Body to touch uninsulated pipes or vessels that contain cryogenic fluids. Do not store in confined space. Cryogenic containers are equipped with pressure relief Devices to control internal pressure. Under normal conditions these containers will periodically Vent product. Keep container below 50oc in a well ventilated place.

Oxygen (O2)

Oxygen constitutes are approximately by 21% of the air. It is a colorless, odorless and Tasteless gas. Oxygen is supplied both as liquid and as compressed gas. Oxygen is produced by air separation processes that use either cryogenic liquefaction And distillation or vacuum swing adsorption (VSA) separation. Oxygen can be stored and shipped as either a gas or a cryogenic liquid.

The principal uses of Oxygen stems from its strong oxidizing and life-sustaining properties. It is used in medicine for therapeutic purposes.

  • Steel making
  • Oxidation
  • Breathing
  • Metal cutting
  • Glass making
  • Bleaching
  • Production of fuels and chemicals


Hazards Identifications
Compressed gas oxidant. Combustibles in contact with liquid Oxygen may explode on Ignition or impact. Can cause severe frostbite.

Handling and Storage
Use no oil or grease. Do not store in a confined space. Open valve slowly to avoid pressure shock. Post “No Smoking or Open Flames” signs in the storage area. Do not drop, tip or roll containers on their side. Keep container below 50oc in a well ventilated place. Never allow any unprotected part of the body to touch uninsulated pipes or vessels Which contain cryogenic fluids?